Programs at God's Grace
Auxiliaries of the Church
Through the Word of God we are healed! The men at God's Grace are striving to be the kind of men God needs in these trying times. Leadership through prayer, worship, witnessing, giving and studying the Word of God helps to strengthen our relationship with God, our family, friends, community and the world at large. It is our hope that we be the men of God that he has called us to be. We fellowship bi-weekly where we share in food, entertainment, and the Word of God!
Mighty woman of God, working together, can accomplish great things for God! The �Ladies of Grace� work to nourish and mature women to reach their destiny in God. The women meet every 4th Friday in F.O.C.U.S. (For Our Christian Understanding Of Standards) sessions. Seasoned women help to provide support and wisdom to the younger women and the young women work to carryout the work of the Lord. The YWCC for young women 18 to 40 and the CWC for ladies 41+ provide a network of wisdom and encouragement, resources and friendship that support both the natural and spiritual needs of the woman. In these small groups training, teaching and amity help to mature and provide support for women of all backgrounds.
The young people who make up the youth department of God�s Grace COGIC are individuals on the move for God! Our Pastor has a heart for young people and wants to see them grow and prosper in the ways of the Lord and well as in their academics. The department has established several activities for the youth to enjoy including: youth choir, after school tutoring, youth bible study and career night. The youth also have one-on-one time in Young Men of Valor for the young men and Young Women of Excellence for the ladies. Throughout the year the youth department participates in outings and youth conferences to enhance the young person�s church going experience. Every 3rd Sunday is youth Sunday and the youth are given an opportunity to conduct service putting their training into action so that they learn how to do things decent and in order.
The sound of music is pleasing unto the Lord. The bible says to �make a joyful noise unto the Lord� (Psalms 66:1). The joy of Gospel music is that it carries the message of Jesus Christ. God�s Grace Gospel choir is blessed with gifted singers and musicians who believe in giving God their very best. The gift of music is also shared with the young people through the youth choir and junior musicians. Under the leadership of First Lady Pamela Hunt the ministry of music is growing and flourishing to bring the message of Jesus through the gift of music.
It is the responsibility of the church to reach out to the community. The bible instructs us to give to those in need. We cannot ignore both the natural and spiritual needs of individuals. When we hide our eyes from someone in need, the bible says we are cursed (Proverbs 28:27).

It is the goal of the evangelist and outreach ministry to reach out to the natural and spiritual needs of our community. Programs have been created to provide free school supplies to children at the start of each school year. We work tangibly to contribute time and effort to the Sacramento County�s foster care system  and tutoring services are offered to assist children in all subjects.

Noon day prayer is offered Tuesday and Friday and time is taken to simply go out and greet those who surround us. Reaching out to the community to show forth love and kindness is essential to the building of the kingdom of God. It is the act of kindness in us that will draw people to Christ. We recognize our responsibility to offer those around us hope through a kind word, a helping hand and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Copyrights � 2010